


“Changing environmental factors that induce barking”


Most dogs bark because of a reflex behavior caused by some external stimulus. At this time, you should discover and adjust its environment in time.


“Ignore the barking”


When it starts to bark and can’t be quiet, take it to a closed room or a closed box, close the door and ignore it. Once he stops barking, remember to reward him with treats. When you reward him with a treat, remember to keep him quiet to extend the time he gets the treat. Of course, it is best to start training from an early age, keep the dog quiet after giving snacks, and gradually extend this time, and let it learn this behavior by changing the time interval, such as dividing the reward time of snacks into segments, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds Seconds, 40 seconds…and so on.


“Adapting Dogs to Barking Stress Objects”


Stress objects refer to all objects that make the dog nervous, such as people in strange clothes, large garbage bags, strange objects, similar or other animals…etc. The main point of this training method is that when the dog barks nervously at something, the guided decompression method is used here.



“Teach Your Dog to Understand the ‘Quiet’ Command”

The first step in this method is to teach your dog to bark by giving your dog the command “bark!” in a calm environment with no distractions, waiting for him to bark two or three times before giving him a tasty treat . And when he stops barking and sniffs, praise him and give him treats. Once your dog can reliably bark commands, it’s time to teach him the “quiet” command.

“Distract the dog”

When someone knocks on the door, or it barks when it observes something, throw a treat at the opposite position and tell it “go to your place”, if it finishes eating quickly and comes closer, throw the treat again and tell it to “go to your place”. Give the command, and repeat the above process until it stays in place and quiets down, at which point more rewards are given.

“Let it be tired and lack energy”

Strictly speaking, this is not a method. Dog barking can sometimes be interpreted as “full food”. If it is the kind of energy that is particularly strong, and it still likes to bark after going out for a long walk, then it means that it is skating. If it is not long enough, you need to increase the exercise time. If it likes toys, play with it until you are tired, so that it can only sleep…

Post time: Nov-24-2023