
The color of a cat’s fur determines its character, you know?

Many people would like their cats to have a good character, but you may not know that the cat’s fur color will determine their character. Oh, what color is your cat?
White cat
Cat character: generally, white cats are quiet and clever, and are more willing to get close to people and stick to their owners. They are gentle, delicate and less aggressive. They can get along well with people and other similar people.


black cat
Cat character: it looks very cool, domineering and fierce on the whole, but in fact, their character is relatively peaceful, their black hair has a strong desire to hunt, and they like to go out for activities.


Black and white cat
Cat character: this kind of fur colored cat is called “cow cat”. Their character is more naughty and lively. They always like to jump around and tear down their homes. Oh, they are still energetic, but their character is relatively docile.

Three flower cat

Cat character: three colored cats are mostly female cats. Their character is similar to that of girls, which is difficult to guess. Three colored cats sometimes behave fiercely, sometimes docile and sticky, sometimes coquettish, and sometimes need independence.

Grey cat
Cat character: most gray cats are lazy. They are very elegant. They can’t express themselves well. Although they are “not good at words”, they do pay attention to the people they love silently.

Cat character: civet cat will keep alert to strangers and will not approach people casually. If you get familiar with them, they will become very sticky. They are energetic and like “hunting”. 

Therefore, when raising civet cats, we still need to give them a certain amount of exercise. We can use cat Teaser sticks or snacks to let the cats move and release their energy.

Orange cat
Cat character: orange cat can be said to be a dual character, either gentle and friendly, or a bully, but generally speaking, orange cat belongs to fat prone constitution~
Therefore, orange cats should be fed regularly and quantitatively to avoid being too fat, which will affect their health.

Conclusion: what color and character is your cat?

Visit www.petnessgo.com to know more details.

Post time: May-03-2022